Thursday, August 28, 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014
Just One Big 'Community With a Border Going Through It'
As expected, Nancy Pelosi visited our southern border, viewed the facilities where thousands of illegal alien children have been crammed together for months, heard about the impact the invasion of illegal immigrants, drug criminals, jihadists and who knows who else have had on American towns, and promptly proclaimed the chaos a wonderful "opportunity."
"This is a community with a border going through it. And this crisis — that some call a 'crisis' — we have to view as an opportunity," Pelosi said at her press conference in Texas.
If by "opportunity" she means a chance to use innocent children as pawns in a Democratic Party-White House scheme to utterly destroy the character and ultimately viability of America as a nation of laws, liberty and prosperity, then yeah, you can see how it could be seen as an opportunity.
Because that's certainly what the Left's scheme is.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
The Caliphate Returns Under Obama’s Watch
A caliphate — a medieval-style Islamic empire led by a successor to Muhammad — has arisen for the first time in nearly 100 years in Iraq, as President Obama stands by and does nothing.
The recent takeover of Iraqi cities by ISIS, and its holding of cities in eastern Syria, has led the al-Qaida-linked group to declare a united caliphate, with their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the new head of the empire, or caliph. Muslims believe that the caliphs throughout history have been legitimate successors to the prophet Muhammad, though they have differed in how they believe a caliph should be chosen.
The rise of a new caliph has long been a dream of Islamists around the globe, ever since the last one was legally disbanded by Turkey in 1924. A caliph will undoubtedly serve as a rallying figure for the forces of radical Islam.
It was an event that had been foreseen by many people. ISIS, al-Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood and all the rest of the terrorist groups have never tried to hide the fact that a caliphate was their major goal, and ultimately the spread of Islam throughout the world.
While the U.S. under President Bush fought hard to defeat al-Qaida and replace Saddam Hussein with a government formed along democratic principles, President Obama must own this utter failure of U.S. foreign policy.
Read more at Joe for America.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Google Wants to be Everybody's Mommy -- So Stand Up for Children
That's the sort of thing moms are supposed to tell their little children. It's an important task because it helps children learn to avoid danger and helps instill something called "common sense" in adults.
Google thinks your mom did a cruddy job of raising you and that you are incapable of making intelligent decisions for yourself.
That's why, starting in September, Google will ban ads for guns, ammo and accessories.
Google says it wants "to keep people safe both online and offline, so [they] won't allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury."
Read more at Godfather Politics.
U.N. Worried by U.S.'s Growing Pot Habit
The U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime on Thursday reported that more Americans are using marijuana because with legalization, the perception of harm associated with the drug has decreased.
According to Reuters, the report "suggests" that "liberalization may further increase its use among the young."
I think we have a winner for this month's Duh Awards.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
Obama Hell-Bent on Changing Country With Amnesty
The situation at our southern border is deteriorating by the day, with more and more children, often unaccompanied, flooding across from Mexico, the Border Patrol reduced to cooking and diaper-changing, and violent drug cartels and jihadists taking advantage of the distraction.
Only a true leader, dedicated to upholding our laws while acting with compassion could resolve this situation.
This looks like a job for a hypocrite.
Fortunately, Nancy Pelosi is en route.
Read more at Political Outcast.
Despite Supreme Court Smackdown, Obama Won’t Stop
Less than a day after the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Obama’s use of recess appointment powers was unconstitutional, the White House was still threatening to use executive action to install amnesty if Congress doesn’t roll over and go along with the president’s plan.
“We’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” said Press Secretary Josh Earnest during an interview on MSNBC. “We’ve been waiting a year already. The president has tasked his Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson with reviewing what options are available to the president, what is at his disposal using his executive authority to try to address some of the problems that have been created by our broken immigration system.”
The Supreme Court’s ruling can’t help but bolster Speaker of the House John Boehner’s effort to sue the president for his imperial abuse of his authority. But even on the point, Obama remains defiant, telling George Stephanopolous, “I’m not going to apologize for trying to do something while they’re doing nothing.”
“We’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” said Press Secretary Josh Earnest during an interview on MSNBC. “We’ve been waiting a year already. The president has tasked his Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson with reviewing what options are available to the president, what is at his disposal using his executive authority to try to address some of the problems that have been created by our broken immigration system.”
The Supreme Court’s ruling can’t help but bolster Speaker of the House John Boehner’s effort to sue the president for his imperial abuse of his authority. But even on the point, Obama remains defiant, telling George Stephanopolous, “I’m not going to apologize for trying to do something while they’re doing nothing.”
Read more at Joe for America.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Boehner Plans to Sue 'King-like' Obama
Speaker of the House John Boehner announced a plan Wednesday to sue President Obama for his multiple violations of the Constitution and refusal to enforce the laws and uphold his oath of office.
Talk about late to the game.
The idea of suing the president raises mixed feelings, the first being anger that it took years for Boehner to do anything against our imperial president, the last being anger that the attempt is so feeble.
In between those two marking posts, I can understand something of Boehner's dilemma.
In the foremost place, the speaker is a man who simply doesn't move unless he truly has to. He didn't get the job because of his fire and energy. He got it because he waited in line, did all the committee assignments and in general, unlike the IRS, turned in his homework. He got the speakership simply because it was his turn. Boehner is practically the living embodiment of inertia.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
In L.A., Even the Buses Are Racist
I actually like taking the bus in Los Angeles whenever it's not too hot. It's cheaper, it's more relaxing, it gives me time to read, plus you get a little incidental exercise walking to and from the bus stop.
Little did I realize I was supporting a racist system.
At least, that seems to be the implication being made in a recent L.A. Weekly issue, which featured an article titled "Why Don't White People in L.A. Take the Bus?"
(The L.A. Weekly is one of those strange niche publications whose continued existence is a testament to the number of drug-addled part-time actors in town who need some light reading material during bouts of the munchies.)
Don't say this too loud, but apparently the bus system in Los Angeles discriminates against white people.
Read more at Political Outcast.
Race-Baiting Helps Republican Win Vote With Democrats' Aid
Up till Tuesday night, Democrats in Mississippi were getting pretty scared at the idea that a Tea Party Republican -- with his beliefs in lower taxes, smaller government, free markets, individual rights, etc. -- might have a chance of becoming their senator.
So with encouragement from a race-baiting flier, they turned out in a Republican primary to make sure that GOP Sen. Thad Cochran won his run-off.
Cochran's own campaign staff acknowledged that he only beat Chris McDaniel with the help of mostly black Democratic Party voters, some of whom are suspected by the McDaniel camp to have voted illegally after voting in the Democratic primary a couple of weeks before. (Mississippi is one of those states that lets people cross over party lines in primaries and screw up the chances of their toughest competition.)
Part of the success of Cochran's last-minute appeal to Democratic voters has been attributed to a blatantly race-baiting flier that was heavily distributed in black neighborhoods.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
It's Congress ... the Musical
It was probably inevitable, what with President Obama basically stripping Congress of its power by using executive orders and agency rule changes to circumvent the representatives of the people.
Now, the members of Congress have nothing to do except pass symbolic legislation.
So after a long day of tossing pencils into the tile ceiling of the Senate chambers, when a bill came up to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King, with a Congressional Gold Medal to mark the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Congress’s leaders naturally burst into song.
It wasn’t exactly a “Glee” moment. Well, no, it was, if you subtract from “Glee” the talented, entertaining performances and replace all the beautiful young people with withered old ghouls whose pallid flesh swayed sickeningly in time with the music.
Read more at Joe for America.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Black Families in Detroit Appeal for U.N. Help After City Cuts Off Water
"This is the worst violation of the human right to water I have ever seen outside of the worst slums in the poorest countries in failed states of the global South,” said Maude Barlow, founder of the Blue Planet Project.
Thousands of families in Detroit, mostly black, have had their water cut off because they can't afford to pay water rates that are nearly double the average in the rest of the country.
In March, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department announced that it would shut off water service for 1,500 to 3,000 customers every week if their water bills were not paid. Clearly not understanding the root of the problem, the City Council just last week approved an 8.7-percent water rate increase.
According to the Detroit Free Press, the average water bill is $75, nearly double the average of $40 nationwide.
The DWSD says that more than 80,000 residences, in a city with a population of 680,000, are in arrears on their water bills. According to CBS, that means nearly half of Detroit families can't pay for their water.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
Lesson Has Students Take Turns ‘Killing’ Baby
One of the more disturbing stories to come out of an American school is about a lesson given recently at Churchville-Chili Middle School in Churchville, New York, near Rochester.
Seventh-grade students in a class called Family and Consumer Sciences were given a lesson about shaken baby syndrome, or the sorts of injuries that can occur when a small child is shaken violently by an adult. Because of children’s undeveloped neck muscles, babies in particular can be in danger of death if they are shaken, even if the intent is playful.
Part of the lesson included a video showing a child hospitalized because of being shaken by his father, and an interview of the father, who wound up being sent to jail because of the injuries he inflicted on the baby.
So far, so good.
Then the teacher reportedly took out a doll, similar to one produced by RealityWorks called RealCare Shaken Baby, and began to shake it to demonstrate what happens to an infant. The students allegedly were then told to take turns shaking the baby.
One of the more disturbing stories to come out of an American school is about a lesson given recently at Churchville-Chili Middle School in Churchville, New York, near Rochester.
Seventh-grade students in a class called Family and Consumer Sciences were given a lesson about shaken baby syndrome, or the sorts of injuries that can occur when a small child is shaken violently by an adult. Because of children’s undeveloped neck muscles, babies in particular can be in danger of death if they are shaken, even if the intent is playful.
RealCare Shaken Baby |
Part of the lesson included a video showing a child hospitalized because of being shaken by his father, and an interview of the father, who wound up being sent to jail because of the injuries he inflicted on the baby.
So far, so good.
Then the teacher reportedly took out a doll, similar to one produced by RealityWorks called RealCare Shaken Baby, and began to shake it to demonstrate what happens to an infant. The students allegedly were then told to take turns shaking the baby.
Read more at Joe for America.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Research Says Free Will Just an Illusion
It's a question that likely has been around since the first human took an imaginary step outside his head and realized he was thinking, something we do all the time but aren't normally conscious of: Does Man actually have free will, or is he just a puppet whose strings are pulled by circumstance?
Cogito ergo sum, Descartes said. I think, therefore I am.
But are you acting under your own control, or are you just a bit of flotsam on the seas of coincidence, merely hallucinating that you have free will?
Researchers who conducted a recent experiment say that their data suggest that choices are predetermined and that free will is an illusion.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
White House: Border Crisis Driven by 'Criminals'
The White House is supposedly "surging" resources to the southern border to deal with the tidal wave of illegal immigrant children, even as it surges truckloads of kids to Republican-dominated states and towns in what is certainly just a strange coincidence.
Officials say they are alarmed by the number of children, many unescorted by any adult, swarming across the border, sometimes on the order of hundreds per day.
The White House has finally admitted that "rumors" of amnesty and free government handouts may be fueling the invasion of illegal children, but they insist that such rumors are being planted by criminal organizations (only by sheer chance at the same time that the White House is pushing Congress to pass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens already in this country and threatening to do so unilaterally if Congress doesn't comply).
In fact, the White House is so concerned that it plans to have Vice President "Jumpin' Joe" Biden take up the issue with South American leaders.
Read more at Political Outcast.
Why Glenn Beck Is Wrong About Liberals Being Right
It's one of those things that seems like it wouldn't, couldn't and shouldn't happen: Glenn Beck has come out and said that liberals were right that we never should have gotten into the Iraq War.
This, of course, has liberals running around like happy little Ewoks who think they've just taken down the Empire.
One of my liberal acquaintances, upon hearing of the Beck confession, commented, "I feel like I'm on the wrong planet."
I resisted the urge to reply, "You are. That's always been the problem."
Yay me.
Now, I have a lot of respect for Mr. Beck. We don't agree all the time, but mostly I find him to be intelligent and worth listening to, which makes me all the more frustrated that he could be so completely backwards on the Iraq War, much less encouraging the people -- Obama supporters -- who have done the most to bring about the current situation in Iraq and bring this country low.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
Al-Qaida Captures Stockpile of Saddam's WMDs -- Say What?
So it seems the ISIS army -- which is really just al-Qaida with U.S. humvees, U.S. weapons, U.S. ammo, U.S. radios, U.S. cellphones, U.S. rations, etc. -- took all of a few days to locate a respectable cache of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, mostly chemical weapons, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian and other media outlets.
Yes, those weapons, the ones many of the mainstream media and liberals to this day insist never existed.
They did exist, of course, documented by a decade of U.N. weapon inspectors.
Most of them were known to have been shipped off by Iraq in the weeks leading up to our invasion. Many of them were reported surfacing in different countries in obscure United Nations reports, and many more are concealed in the volumes of U.S. military reports that are open to the public. Probably many more are contained in classified files.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
GOP Ignores Cantor Loss, Keeps Driving for Cliff
What’s that old saying about insanity being doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
That would be an apt description of the GOP leadership: insane.
It doesn’t take an armload of polls or even an IQ in the double digits to see that the Republican Party is losing its base.
A lot of that has to do with the guys in leadership positions who apparently have no idea what their base is.
That includes guys like Boehner and McConnell who make public spectacles of themselves by promising to “crush” the Tea Party, which these days is the most energetic force the GOP can muster. Then there are the deal makers in the background like string puller Karl Rove, who loathes the uppity Tea Party and lost nearly all his donations after promising to defeat conservative candidates, then still wonders what happened.
What’s that old saying about insanity being doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
That would be an apt description of the GOP leadership: insane.
It doesn’t take an armload of polls or even an IQ in the double digits to see that the Republican Party is losing its base.
A lot of that has to do with the guys in leadership positions who apparently have no idea what their base is.
That includes guys like Boehner and McConnell who make public spectacles of themselves by promising to “crush” the Tea Party, which these days is the most energetic force the GOP can muster. Then there are the deal makers in the background like string puller Karl Rove, who loathes the uppity Tea Party and lost nearly all his donations after promising to defeat conservative candidates, then still wonders what happened.
Read more at Joe for America.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Hillary: We Can't Allow People to Hold Wrong Opinion on Guns
Hillary Clinton, the unindicted Benghazi co-conspirator who wants to be our next president, previewed on CNN the bent liberal logic that would be the hallmark of her Administration should America suffer another brain aneurysm and elect her.
During the CNN Townhall event Monday, Clinton was asked by an audience member about her feelings on gun control issues like large-capacity magazines, and Clinton took the opportunity to vent her spleen against Americans who dare to support gun rights.
"I’m well aware that this is a hot political subject," she said. "And again, I will speak out no matter what role I find myself in But I believe that we need a more thoughtful conversation. We cannot let a minority of people – and it’s, that’s what it is, it is a minority of people – hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people."
Liberal political statements often reflect an addled state of mind, and Clinton's is no exception. A little close analysis is revealing.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
Obama Just Making It Easier for al-Qaida in Iraq
President Obama continues to clear the path for al-Qaida’s takeover of Iraq, like the sweeper on a curling team.
To say he’s squandered the opportunities a democratic Iraq could have provided is to be exceptionally lenient.
There is blood on the man’s hands, and he keeps going back for more.
Not only did he essentially abandon Iraq, he has refused to live up to U.S. legal obligations to protect Iraq when it is endangered.
Not only did he release in 2009 the man who has become the leader of the ISIS army that is tearing through Iraq, but he’s publicly assured al-Qaida that they will face no U.S. opposition because Obama will only send in 100 more troops to supplement the handful at the embassy. Now, he’s ruled out airstrikes, even with drones.
He may claim to be a Christian, but Obama’s sympathies are with radical Muslims, as all his policies and actions to date have led to this pass in Iraq and have given aid and comfort to our enemies around the world.
Read more at Joe for America.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Obama Sticks a Toe in Iraq
President Obama has been such a laggard on the subject of Iraq that the joke just the other day claimed that he was sending in troops, but they were Iranian.
Now, he really is sending in the troops, a whopping 275 of them. Rather, that's "as many as up to" 275, which could mean fewer.
And they're not going in to set anything to rights, just provide cover fire for fleeing embassy personnel.
Let's hope that if they need to call for backup, no one at the White House gives a stand-down order to nearby bases, as happened in Benghazi.
In addition to the 275 insufficiently armed lambs to the slaughter, Secretary of State John "I Served in Vietnam" Kerry assures us, the White House is thinking about maybe, perhaps in a few days, should the weather cooperate (global warming, ya know), sending in a drone or two.
Read more at Political Outcast.
IRS to Congress: Oops, We Did It Again
Despite the near impossibility of it happening, the IRS lost the emails of Lois Lerner, the central figure in the IRS targeting scandal, in a computer crash, including those she sent to addresses outside the IRS, such as the White House, that might have led to whoever gave Lerner her orders.
So, the math question of the day is, what is Impossible times 7?
Because now, according to Republicans on the congressional Ways and Means Committee, which is investigating the scandal, the IRS is claiming that it has also lost the emails of six other people who are subjects of the probe in an utterly amazing string of computer crashes.
Among the lost emails are those from Nikole Flax, the chief of staff to former IRS commissioner Steven Miller.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
Monday, June 16, 2014
What Liberals Don't Know Can Kill Us
What liberals don't understand could fill volumes. In fact, it already does, especially under the names of authors like Adams, Jefferson and Madison.
But the particular area of liberal ignorance that should concern us most at this moment involves Iraq's importance in the Middle East, to America and to the world.
In the world seen through liberal lenses, the war in Iraq was a) about oil, b) about carrying out some agenda of the first President Bush, or c) both.
In the world seen through liberal lenses, the war in Iraq was a) about oil, b) about carrying out some agenda of the first President Bush, or c) both.
According to the Left, there was no reason to be there, Saddam Hussein was a perfectly nice guy and no threat, al-Qaida didn't exist there, it just wasn't worth American lives or effort.
They still cling to the mantra that "there were no WMDs," (even though it's clear that Saddam had a stockpile ...
Read more at Godfather Politics.
Shame on Obama, Shame on Liberals
Over the past five years, I have been alternately annoyed, bothered, bewildered, aghast, appalled and even occasionally amused by the Obama Administration.
But NOW, I’m angry.
I’m angry because Iraq, a country we spent so much time and effort to rebuild into a nascent democracy, is falling.
I’m angry because American men and women lost blood, limbs and lives to destroy a tyrant, to crush a terrorist movement and finally to give decent people in a rough corner of the world a chance at a better future.
I’m angry because of all the years the Left spent harping on President Bush and the war effort, never once looking past their regurgitated talking points to even try to comprehend the strategy of what was going on in the Middle East.
Read more at Joe for America.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Obama on Iraq: Hell No, I Won't Go
Of all the betrayals of Barack Hussein Obama's presidency, the decision announced this week not to give any aid to the legitimate Iraqi government in its fight against a rampaging al-Qaida army must be one of the worst.
Joseph Farah at WorldNet Daily made a point that Obama's foreign policy is derivative of the infamous Cloward-Piven strategy for bringing about a communist economy by overloading the welfare system, and thus ensuring maximum government control. Farah believes that Obama's goal at all times is to create chaos for chaos' sake, with the ultimate aim of creating stricter, stronger government.
If that's the case, Obama's idea of stronger government must be one that follows shariah law, because that's what he has a pattern of supporting, from the Muslim Brotherhood coup in Egypt to the al-Qaida "rebels" in Syria.
But I think it's even simpler than that. Some of the people behind Obama certainly have grand plans, and Obama himself may have a few fantasies about how he'd like things to turn out, but I think that ultimately, Obama operates on an instinctive level.
Read more at Godfather Politics.
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