Saturday, June 21, 2014

GOP Ignores Cantor Loss, Keeps Driving for Cliff

What’s that old saying about insanity being doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
That would be an apt description of the GOP leadership: insane.
It doesn’t take an armload of polls or even an IQ in the double digits to see that the Republican Party is losing its base.
A lot of that has to do with the guys in leadership positions who apparently have no idea what their base is.
That includes guys like Boehner and McConnell who make public spectacles of themselves by promising to “crush” the Tea Party, which these days is the most energetic force the GOP can muster. Then there are the deal  makers in the background like string puller Karl Rove, who loathes the uppity Tea Party and lost nearly all his donations after promising to defeat conservative candidates, then still wonders what happened.



What’s that old saying about insanity being doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
That would be an apt description of the GOP leadership: insane.
It doesn’t take an armload of polls or even an IQ in the double digits to see that the Republican Party is losing its base.
A lot of that has to do with the guys in leadership positions who apparently have no idea what their base is.
That includes guys like Boehner and McConnell who make public spectacles of themselves by promising to “crush” the Tea Party, which these days is the most energetic force the GOP can muster. Then there are the deal  makers in the background like string puller Karl Rove, who loathes the uppity Tea Party and lost nearly all his donations after promising to defeat conservative candidates, then still wonders what happened.

Read more at Joe for America.

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